Circles and Classes


Why Am I Still Fucking Single: A Therapy Group


01 — Questions you may have asked:

“Why does it feel like nobody will commit to me?” | “Why is sex so scary?” | “Why do I always feel so needy with every person I date?” | “Is it possible that maybe I just want a relationship too much?” | “Everyone says I need to love myself before someone else will love me. How the hell do I do that?” | “Why can’t I stop overthinking everything?” | “Why is rejection so hard.” 

02 — What we are offering:

Your story of how you learned to relate to others and the ways those strategies have prevented you from finding the intimacy you crave are completely unique to you. Theres no one-size fits all to relationship dysfunction. But your path toward letting go of that story and learning to engage in relationships more honestly, more effectively, and more wholly is the same as everyone else’s. 

If you want to get out of the endless cycle of chronic single hood and take the next step toward finding a fulfilling relationship, we think we can help. The biggest hint we can give you is that you don’t need to “love yourself more” or “want a relationship less.” These two things are actually the foundation of finding love that is based in real intimacy. Your most tender (even shameful) places and a deep desire to bond are all you need to someday find yourself fighting over which towels to buy with your partner. Which, in the end, is what we all want.

03 — How to sign up:

Email to set up a consult call.

Learn more about the group.

Circle Facilitator Training


01 — Why take this training?

We heal trauma through relationships. In this training, you will learn how to create sacred space, and facilitate hard conversations, so that you and the members of your circle can build true community. This training is designed to help you lead circles specifically for teenagers, but will prepare you to lead a circle for your peers or any adult population you choose.

02 — Who is leading this training?

Teen Talking Circles has been providing teens around the world with a “safe space to tell the truth” for over 25 years. Nora is a lead facilitator for the organization and a trainer for new facilitators. She helped to write the curriculum for the Circle Facilitator Training and will be co-leading the training offered in Summer and Fall 2022.

03 — Who taking this training?

If you plan to work with teens, it is helpful if you already have a connection to teens through your work as a coach, therapist, school counselor, or youth leader.

If you plan to lead a peer circle, or a circle for other adults, no specific credential is needed to apply for the training.

The training is entirely virtual and will be held on eight consecutive Saturday mornings in the late Winter and early Spring of 2021.

04 — How do I sign up?

To learn more or sign up, please visit the Trainings page of the Teen Talking Circles website.

Learn more about the training.